Beggars Banquet The Rolling Stones

Music Quiz: 50 Years of The Rolling Stones

Congratulations to jprobichaud and Tony, who both top scored 14/15 in last week’s quiz.
This week’s challenge is a rare single artist quiz, where you need to name 24 Rolling Stones albums.
I scored 21/24, although I was confused by one cover where it’s different than the CD copy I own.
How did you score?

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  1. Glad you chose an artist that’s right in my wheelhouse. Got a relatively easy 24/24 with 9:40 remaining on the clock. I started getting into The Stones in the late-70s when I reached my teenage years, and recall a particular period around ’80 to ’81 where I bought about 15-20 of their albums in a single year. For a teenager with limited funds that was quite an accomplishment. Kids today with their streaming services don’t know how easy they have it. Haha.

  2. If you transpose the digits, with my 12, we’re the same again!
    I should have had closer to 15 though, couldn’t figure out the wording of the ‘satanic’ one – I still have much to learn when it comes to the stones!

  3. Funny thing. I know so many songs of theirs, but album names I am not good at so I won’t even try. i only have 2 Stones albums on vinyl right now and slowly adding them to my collection. Maybe in a year I will be able to do this one.

  4. I’m late to the party as I was traveling all week. A pathetic 18/24, pathetic in that I am as big a Stones fan as you can get. But I could not remember some of the earlier ones and most recent ones to save my life.

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