Music Quiz: Find the Band Member VI

Congratulations to everyone who scored 20/20 in last week’s Album Covers II quiz, and also condolences to the contestants who scored 19/20 but missed The Doors’ Strange Days. Special congratulations to Jamie from, who scored the fastest time.

This week you need to link the band name with the picture of an individual member. It’s a tough one, with a diverse range of acts, including a couple of fictional bands that you’re more likely to know from TV than the radio.

I scored 21/24 but it felt like a lucky 21 that could have easily been lower. I’m planning to be on vacation for the next couple of weeks, so I might not have proper results on the next few posts.

I enjoy seeing other people’s WordPress stats at this time of year, so here are mine. Here’s the year-on-year graph.

What looks like steady growth for the year, however, is more like an erratic journey. The blog hit some big numbers in March and April as Google featured my Worst Songs of the 1980s post. But then traffic nosedived as I moved away from to It’s since recovered as I’ve worked on the site, back to around where it was in December 2020-February 2021.

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Music Quizzes


  1. 18/24 for me. Harder than I thought. Never heard of, say, the Mayhems.

    As far as stats go, it doesn’t look like WP allows me to copy in a screen shot. I started my blog one year prior to you. The year-on-year view you have looks more or less like mine, your 2021 is a little stronger. There’s a table I like in WP that lays year-over-year numbers out. The statistics I care the most about are number of followers and comments per post. The latter because I started my blog to talk about music and for no other reason.

    My comments 𝒑𝒆𝒓 𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒕 peaked in 2019 at 25, now down to 21. I know this is because I lost three or four good, knowledgeable, regular commenters who have apparently stopped blogging altogether. Haven’t been replaced, alas. It’s only the relatively few that ever say anything. And of course half of those comments are me responding. I’d love to see that kick up but A) I can’t force people to talk and B) I’m wordy and that probably scares people away. But I’d rather have the people who are really into it anyway so I write what I write.

    And my number of followers is 1165. I added about 130 this year. Lost a few too. So as I came to understand when I started this thing, only a small percentage will ever say anything on a regular basis. C’est la vie.

    • For my screenshots, I just pressed the print screen button and then pasted the results into a graphics program and cropped and saved it.

      My comments per post went up this year, from 23.8 to 33 – I’m not actually sure why, as it feels like I’ve lost some regulars, and there are a few things I post that aren’t very popular. You have a lot more followers than me though.

          • Doesn’t matter how long it takes – they’re fun. Reading – especially my sometimes lengthy posts – takes time that people don’t often want to invest. I once did a desert island disk thing and got tons of responses. But it’s ephemeral and many of those people disappeared. I think there are also a lot fewer people in my age group who are bloggers than in yours and hence, more likely to post or comment.

    • I missed the 50/50 guess on the two sister groups too, but looks like you’re winning so far. Have a great new year!

  2. SCORE Score
    TIMER Timer
    02:46 I never thought my trivial knowledge of the Flintstones band would EVER come in handy…well it did!

  3. There were quite a few that I had not heard of so I gave up.

    Regarding blog comments, I only ever had one – Kingclover – and he has since gone back to his natural habitat of Nuggets and lists so my blog is the equivalent of an old man howling at the moon! I just do it for my own satisfaction, I guess.

    • I always forget to comment on your blog because all the other blogs are on Wordpress and show up on my feed. Where’s your new additions page – I had a look around and couldn’t find it?

  4. If you scroll down the right hand column you can find the latest posts in “blog archive”. The recent stuff I have done i.e. posted as new – are lists. All other new work I have done is in the form of additions to existing posts, so they don’t come up as “new posts”.

    My blog doesn’t actually function as yours and most others do, with regular new posts. I just add things to my existing body of work, and, as I don’t actually have any readers it doesn’t really matter. I don’t know why I do the blog really, I just enjoy it, so I guess that’s what matters.

    • I have both a review archive and posts – the posts get more attention though, as they get delivered to followers.

  5. 19/24, 3:08 I feel like if I’d slowed down a bit I might’ve done better. Or had taken a chance to scan the grid before plunging onward, I might’ve known more on sight. Ah well.

  6. Happy New Year Graham! shocked myself with 21 of 24 with 1:36 left. Looking forward to more quizzes in the new year!

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