

Graham Fyfe has been writing this website since his late teens. Now in his forties, he's been obsessively listening to albums for years. He works as a web editor and plays the piano.

Music Quiz: Nonsense

Congratulations to everyone who scored full marks in last week’s quiz, but especially to Tony who had the fastest time. This week we’re looking at songs with nonsense titles. I only knew about half, but using the process of…

Music Quiz: The Only One

Queen News of the World

Congratulations to Max (Badfinger20), who won last week’s quiz by a substantial margin. He scored 25% more than than the next best candidate in our early influences quiz. This week is less of a music quiz, and more of a…

Music Quiz: Early Influences

Last week lots of people scored a perfect 30/30 in the 1980s lyric quiz – congratulations to Rich Kamerman with the fastest recorded time. This week, Jim was interested in a blues quiz. The best I could find was this…