

Graham Fyfe has been writing this website since his late teens. Now in his forties, he's been obsessively listening to albums for years. He works as a web editor and plays the piano.

Music Quiz: Famous Trios

Moving Pictures Rush

Last week’s 1960s Ruined by a Letter quiz was pretty easy once you figured out how it worked – lots of 100% scores, but Music Enthusiast Jim was the fastest. This week’s quiz is more straightforward in concept, but hopefully…

Music Quiz: Debuts #6

Congratulation to Tony and Sheik Yerbouti, who both scored 100% in last week’s thyme and Gnarls Barkley quiz, with SY scoring the slightly faster time. This week we’re looking at debut albums. I enjoyed this quiz because it’s a mix…

Missing Member Music Quiz

Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme - Simon and Garfunkel

Congratulations to jprobichaud who scored the fastest recorded time in last week’s nonsense quiz, while Geoff and Max also scored 100%. This week we’re looking at missing members of sets. It was more reliant on culinary knowledge than I expected,…