Music Quiz: Greatest Hits Albums V

We had two 19/20 entries in last week’s quiz – 2loud2oldmusic had the fastest recorded time.

This week your challenge is, again, to identify an eclectic bunch of greatest hits. This set runs the gamut from The Carpenters to Nelly.

I scored 19/20, but I also think it was difficult – I knew just enough to set myself up with some gettable guesses.

Can you score a perfect 20? I’d be impressed if you can this week.

My favourite music trivia of the week – about the Yes album, Tales from Topographic Oceans.

Oceans underwent a tortuous, lengthy recording process in multiple studios around the world. At one stage Anderson grew frustrated with the sound of his vocals in the studio, asking why he didn’t sound as good as when he sang at home in his bathroom. 

Thus engineers were directed to build a bathroom – a wooden, tiled box – in the studio inside which Anderson could perform. The endeavour came to naught as not only did the room not produce the required reverberation but, thanks to only being glued on, the tiles would drop off mid-take.

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Music Quizzes


  1. As Hall & Oates once sang, “so close, yet so far away.” I got 19/20 with 1:54 left on the clock. I stumbled on a garden of sound. Cool story about Topographic Oceans.

  2. 18/20 with :22 left. Easier than I expected it to be. Can’t believe I got the REM one wrong. (2nd try on posting this. was able to reach quiz from the feed/reader but not able to comment [and still may not be able to comment!] until coming directly to your blog. Did you change any settings lately?

  3. 19/20 with 21 seconds left. This is the first time I’ve done good in a long time. I really suck at these ones usually.

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